Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm suspicious of my mailman. . .

I've subscribed to Sports Illustrated for at least 15 years. My absolute favorite issue is the annual baseball preview issue. And yet, for the last 8 years, I have never (and I do mean never) received this issue in the mail. All other issues (including the swimsuit issue) arrive week in and week out without fail. But the baseball preview issue? Never comes.

I've had a number of years to ponder why. And I have no good answer. So I let the irrational part of my brain try to figure it out. And my crazy side determined that my mail carrier is a stinkin' baseball preview issue thief. I'm picturing someone sitting in the post office, sorting mail, and saying "This here Sports Illustrated baseball preview issue has a GIRL's name on it. No way a girl likes baseball, so I'm sure she won't miss it if I take it home to read in the john." And so he does. And then I never get it (although I suppose I should be grateful that the mailman doesn't deliver it a week later after enjoying it on the throne).

So today I put in my annual request to Sports Illustrated for a replacement copy.

And I'm gonna give my mailman the stink eye next time I see him.