Monday, June 9, 2008

Wearing my cranky pants

Okay, so once more the blarg has fallen on fallow times. But this time I have a good excuse. Well, kinda.

I'm wearing cranky pants, that's why.

Here's the deal - I love my Giants. Love. Like want to marry the team and have its babies. Well, figuratively speaking, anyway. And right now the negative is just too easy pickins. I want to write about the stuff I love about the team. Once I find it.

Otherwise, I'd be writing about Bengie getting his feelings hurt ("There's no crying in baseball"), or advocating for a trade for Durham before he resorts back to complete offensive suckage to go with his brick hands. I might even make fun of Walker or Chulk (so many ways!).

Whaddya say - what kind of good stuff are you feeling about the team right now?

I'm gonna go chase down my Giants rainbow, and bring it back here as soon as I can. So I can take off my cranky pants for just an afternoon and put down something good about the team I love.

And then I'm pulling those cranky pants back on and letting loose. I'm looking at you, Jose Castillo.

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