Friday, July 18, 2008

The Unemployed Barry Bonds

I'll admit it - I am totally and completely a Joe Posnanski fan. I've referenced his blog a couple of times here, when it looks at Giant-related stuff.

A few days ago he did a bit on "Barry Bonds' fuzzy math" that I enjoyed. Go read it. And read some of his other stuff - he's an excellent writer (I'm trying to figure out a way to rip-off his use of asterisks - I like that device).

If you're too lazy to click, the gist of the piece is that Bonds' agent, Jeff Borriss, had been telling anyone and everyone that he'd offered Bonds to all 30 teams for the pro-rated minimum, and nobody took him up on it. Turns out, Borriss never contacted the KC Royals, for one. It's not like they'd sign him, but it makes for a good blog entry.

Do we suppose that Bonds will remain home in Beverly Hills all season?


Anonymous said...

Oh silly guy. Please just retire. Surely you have enough money and you avoided the steroid net sooo carefully. Just lay low for 5 years and maybe people will forget the rumours and let you into Cooperstown.

[Barry as a Royal...that would be cool just for the possibility of him hitting one into the fountains. I love fountain homeruns! I wish they would hold a home run derby there every year just for the fountain home runs.]

CanOfCorn said...

Most days I'd like to see him retire just so he doesn't wear a different uni. It would be especially painful to see him in Yankee pinstripes.

Fountain HRs are cool.